September 2018

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I love seeing how much residents enjoy the variety of activities and events we have on offer at Evergreen. Many friendships have been built over a tea at our monthly lunches and it’s so heart-warming to see the happiness these connections bring.

Did you know that an active social life not only improves your quality but also your quantity of life? A 2016 study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), found that the more social connections you have the more benefits you can enjoy to your physical and psychological health. They report that the deterioration associated with diabetes is less than that of social isolation. I have never come across a more important reason to enjoy Sunday brunch with my friends!

At Evergreen we offer an array of exciting activities to get involved in. If you love a good boogie then we have lively line dancing classes, games mornings for those who want some friendly competition, Ladies Chit-chat for our gift-of-the-gabs, a relaxing Friday happy hour, twilight bowls for our sports stars and the list goes on!

We even run regular fundraising events such as Snowdome Foundation Charity Fundraising Event in May. There were exciting raffles and entertainment, a delicious morning tea, and best of all, we were able to raise funds to help the treatment of blood cancer.

There is something to suit everyone here at Evergreen. We have some special events planned for the coming months including:

7th November – ‘Senior Style’ Fashion Show
8th November – Ladies Oaks Day
24 November – Yearly Market

Make sure to mark them in your diaries! We warmly welcome everyone to come along, make some new friends and have fun!

See you there!

Yours sincerely,

Annie Warner

Village Manager